Spatiotempora and Six Projects

Spatiotempora is a recent offspring of Six Projects. Six Projects is a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) non-profit created to make STEM subjects learnable and their satudents teachable.

If you are first time here, please be sure to watch the video at the bottom of this page. It's oversimplified but simple and short.

Here are the links to the original "six projects" websites in the order of their making: MAKE THEM MAD, ROBOPEGS, SHNUMBERS, FIREPEGS, CODEPEGS, DEFENSIVE MATH.

Below are the newer productions.

STEREO LEARNING: A Shortcut to Solid Knowledge is an interactive online presentation explaining how the projects can lead a child from early development to computer programming.

BIG NUMBER WORKSHOP is a set of extracurricular classes proposed to teach preschoolers and young schoolers to handle seriously big numbers.

All the sites are in HTML/CSS/JavaScript. They are strictly local and non-commercial. There is no ads or unintended redirections. The scripts do not not pull or send anything from or to anywhere outside of this server.

If the video is too big for your screen, please zoom it out.

To get the email address, please click after the black squares below, erase them using your BACKSPACE button, enter the number of the projects as a 3-letter word and click on DONE:

Thank you for visiting!

Patent pending
© 2014 Georgiy Kuznetsov